Mr. Manoj Mathurawala

Mr. Manoj Mathurawala

Born in a politically active family Manoj Mathurawala learnt the management mantra in house. Over twenty years of experience in the field of Dairy and Agriculture at a very early stage of life has taught him the value of both hard and smart working. With all these experiences he entered into the field of Real Estate solely to guide mid size investors, HNI’s and even Corporate Houses in identifying smart or good return based investments. His firm Town N Country Estates suggests the extreme ends of investment opportunities that are offered.

He is the only member of EAAP who has been directly elected as President of the association in his first attempt to be an office bearer. Under his guidance the association has worked out some innovation and smart ways to support the members to do better business using the latest technology.

People from all walks of life are given free and fair suggestions and guidance by him. Several innovative, smart and affordable ideas are floated by him to help generate passive income helpful in maintaining a decent lifestyle.

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